The Power of your Emotion;


Emotions could be either sad (Negative) or happy (Positive).                  

Your emotions are magnetic forces that have the power to repel, or attract, positive or negative results into your life. Negative emotions produce negative outcomes while positive emotions produce positive and successful outcomes. To achieve continued success, you have to understand how to leverage on the principles of emotional success because principles never change.

What you do not have the power to attract, you do not have the power to retain, Knowing the right principles will give you the capacity to continue to attract the level of success you want’ S. Adeyemi

In other words, when your success happens by accident and you have no clue how you achieved this success, you are more likely to loose it as you will not know how to retain it.  The secret of achieving and retaining success is to understand how to align your emotions with the principles that guarantee success. It is said that “Knowledge is power” implying that lack of knowledge can be detrimental. The scripture puts it this way ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’ Hosea 4:6

Your success or failure in most cases, is dependent on the action preceded by your emotion; Meaning, your emotional disposition will determine your actions.

For instance, when you have positive emotions or a cheerful disposition, you are healthier, innately stronger and more efficient because you tend to make better decisions ‘Joy does good like medicine, but sorrow dries up the bones’ Proverbs 17:22

Whereas, the opposite is the case when you predominantly nurture negative emotions; such as, sadness, bitterness, sorrow etc. You are snappy, grouchy, angry, depressed etc – This takes a toll on your mental wellbeing and will inevitably affect your health and level of productivity. Often times, the occurrences in your life are mostly a direct results of your thoughts / emotions and the actions that follow.

‘You attract the physical equivalent of your most dominant thought’ Napoleon Hill

Tips on how to take charge over your emotions;

  • Guard your thoughts and emotions; Pay attention to your emotions and diligently protect your mind from negative emotions (e.g anger or strife) by moving towards thoughts that nurture positive emotions (e.g forgiveness or peace) ‘Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life’ Proverbs 4:23. The issues in your life mirror the thoughts and emotions of your heart.
  • Set specific goals and action plan; Pre-determine what you want your future outcomes to be and set specific goals that align with your expectations – When you have a goal, your vision will keep you driven and focused. if you are passionate about these goals you will have an inner strength to push past negative emotion when this occurs. Start now by creating an exciting plan for the new year, backed by strong positive expectations and actions.
  • Stay in touch with a positive support contact; Friend, mentor or interest group. They will keep you motivated and focused when you feel low or overwhelmed.
  • Most importantly, keep an optimistic outlook and believe for better outcomes as we head into the new year. Remember! you will attract what you allow your emotions to dwell on.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, healthy New Year!!!

Stay safe and keep well 🙂

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