Honour Your Parents;

Showing honour to your parents is a vital key to success and comes with huge benefits as stated in the scriptures; ‘Honour your father and mother, so that you may live long and it may go well with you’ Deuteronomy 5:16

Most parents do the best they can to raise their children well and give them the best they can afford. Nevertheless, there are still parents that are bad and even abusive. Undoubtedly, it can be challenging to show honour or respect to parents that have not been the most supportive or worse still, very abusive.

In the case of abusive parents, you cannot be blamed if you decide not to see them or speak to them again. However, your reasons will not negate the consequences of breaking this Godly principles of success which is honouring your parents. The instruction did not say to honour them only when they are good, but because they are your parents (mother and father) – Meaning they gave birth to you or raised you as their child.

Note; This honour comes with benefits that includes long life, success and prosperity as a result of just honouring your parents – Remarkable! But one can appreciate that this is not an easy prospect for some people who have had very difficult parents. However, when you consider the priceless benefits, its worth reconsidering, no matter the terrible things they had done. It is wise not to dishonour your parents (especially publicly) as they represent your origin and foundation. Unfortunately, people do this out of ignorance. Ignorance will never exempt you from the repercussions of acting irrationally towards your parents and disregarding this vital success principle.

Let us consider some ways to honour or dishonour parents;

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