As a man thinks, so he becomes;

Your thoughts (Positive or negative) will create your personality and who you become;

Your thoughts are not invisible things as we generally believe, rather your thoughts produce real energy and create pictures or images in your mind (subconscious), just as the words you speak, your thoughts will eventually reproduce into the physical what your mind has been creating (or thinking). As the wise King Solomon states;

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he – Proverbs 27:3

The truth is we are life co – creators based on our thoughts, words and the corresponding actions we take. For instance, if you start a new role in an organisation and then begin to think that the role is too good for you and it may not be long before you lose the job. The first chance the organisation gets to downsize or remove someone, guess what, you will make that list. You have not prophesied or predicted the future, but the negative thoughts you planted as a seed and nurtured in your mind just bore equivalent fruits.

Offence comes as a seed and your heart will grow whatever you plant in it – B.Winston

In the same vain, when you plant positive thoughts you will bear more desirable and positive fruits always. Therefore, you must learn to guard and guide your thoughts to work for you.

3 tips on how to guard and control your thoughts;

  1. Renew your thought pattern – If you are someone that always think negatively, little wonder you end up with a lot of negative results. It is time to swap those negative thought patterns with more positive ones –  Be mindful of what you are thinking and quickly get rid of negative thoughts once you sense it stirring. As these wise words instruct;

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of your life – Proverbs 4:23

2. Avoid spending a lot of your time with any person, association or media that make you feel negative or less worthy. Rather spend more time listening to people that encourage you to be your best self, to believe in yourself and to build exciting positive thoughts and visions for yourself.

3. Shut down and replace negative thoughts in your mind (or head) with audible positive words. Speaking audible words to counter negative thoughts will shut negative thoughts down and will paint a different image in your mind that drowns out the negative images and thoughts.

Most importantly, have positive expectations and attitude to life – Things often turn out better. Start renewing your thoughts today. Remember, it takes time and commitment to change old patterns, but worth the effort once you begin to reap the rewards.

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